“The stars don’t shape our destiny,
they guide us to shape our own destiny.”

Galit Raiman

master astrologer

Deepen your Relationship

… with Yourself

… with Another

We belong Here

Welcome to Astrology Dome

My name is Galit and I am a Master Astrologer. I have been practicing Western Astrology for over 40 years.

At a young age, I was gifted with the ancient knowledge of Astrology. Since then, I have had the privilege and responsibility to guide many souls in their life journeys.

My life’s Mission is to share the profound insights that I perceive in the night sky. I believe the answers to all of life’s important questions are written in the arrangement of the stars and planets.

Are you fascinated to learn more about this deep esoteric wisdom? Are you ready to unlock the secrets that the cosmos has in store for you?

If so, I invite you to join me on this mystical journey through time and space.


Together, may we discover the Wisdom in the Stars.

Jupiter in Taurus

A Date with Destiny & Abundance

transiting may 2023 to may 2024

Who am I?
Where am I going?
What is my life purpose?

These are core questions of our human experience.

What if the answers to these questions are written in the stars?

Our ancestors noticed patterns in the celestial bodies over the millennia. They studied how the energies of the stars and planets interact with each other and affect life on Earth.

They named their inquiry Astrology, “the Wisdom in the Stars.”


What is Astrology?

Astrology is a unique system of knowledge that describes the course of all life.

By learning what is written in the stars, we discover guidance to our deepest questions:

  • What is my path to my most authentic self?

  • What energy and gifts do I bring into this world?

  • What is my soul’s mission and emotional drive?

  • How can I work with my shadows and challenges?

Astrology reveals Who the universe is teaching us to be and How we can become that.

Pluto in Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius is Upon Us

pluto reenters aquarius on january 20, 2024